Frequently Asked Questions

You just had to keep digging, didn’t ya kid?

What the fuck is a utility gadget?


Utility Gadgets are items that give the [USER] an advantage in a variety of situations. Without strictly being a weapon. An example of a Utility Gadget would be a Grappling Hook the USER uses to scale a building, or Lockpicks if the [USER] is attempting to break into something in particular.

How do I share my character application on Google Docs?


When you've completed your Dossier Application. At the top of the document, press the “Share” button. From there a window will show up allowing the USER to select if they wish to share the document with others viewing the link given to them, after which the USER can post their Dossier into the #🔨character-application channel.

What counts as Misc Gear?


Miscellaneous gear is designed to be additional items to your USER, examples being a Backpack of which they carry things, a car and so forth. Should the item give your USER a tactical advantage, it is considered a Utility Gadget instead.

You can have as many cosmetic augmentations that you like, but anything that aids your character is considered a Gadget and most be labelled as such.

Is there a template for the character applications?


Yes. The Template is found in the pinned messages of 🔨character-application. The Template is listed there as a starter point. USERS are allowed to add more to the Template as they see fit, as long as it fits and answers what the Database is asking for. It will also be found within the website eventually.

How Does Combat Work?


While some [USERS] prefer to fight out their differences in FREEFORM COMBAT - the Database uses the 3HP System. The USERS will roll a 1d20 in the Dice Archives of 🎲dice-rolls to attack and defend against one another. Should the DEFENDER roll lower than the ATTACKER - The ATTACKERS attack is a success on the other. However, should the DEFENDER roll higher than the ATTACKER, the ATTACKER will miss.

CRITICAL FAILURE (1) - Your Action will FAIL and provokes a Free Counter Attack Of Opportunity

CRITICAL SUCCESS (20) - The Damage Dealt will be the value of TWO as opposed to ONE

Are supernatural elements, magic, or superpowers allowed?


No mythical beings. Any [USERS] that are seen to have magical abilities such as 'fireballs' and 'Wizard Staves' will be escorted out of the City Walls. Abilities of a [USER] will be dictated by their choice of Augmentations and other Technology or Involvements - a [USER] may even be one of the low-few to have the ability of Psionics . This Database is not made for Fantasy and Magical Beings.

Why Has My Name Changed Color? My Character isn't a X or Y!


In the Database, a change of [USER] Color is not based on character - but activity. The LEVEL, Talkative Nature and 'Roleplaying' Aspects of a [USER] Determine the change in color. The more a [USER] Commits to the Database, the farther they will progress.

In the Archives, Activity and Presence are marked by 'Roles' when a certain 'Level' is reached.

[Wanderer] (0) - Welcome Wanderer, To Night City. Please make your way to the Character Archives to Submit your profile in a timely fashion so that you may be given your Civilian Card.

[Civilian] (0-5)

[Techie] (5-15)

[Shadowrunner] (15-20)

[Street Samurai] (20+)

Is it possible to Roleplay in Multiple Locations?


Yes. Yes you can. While it is personal preference you are not locked to one Roleplay channel. As long as it makes sense to the [USER] and the story you are trying to portray that they would be found in another location. By all means go ahead and expand on Roleplay Scenarios. Some examples that may cease a character being in another place are severe injuries, of which your character would need to recover from - or if your character is trapped/captured in some way. Then no, it wouldn't really make sense for them to be strolling the Marina after being kidnapped and in the Den. It is all about Logic and what makes sense Story-Wise.

The [USER] is welcome to do as many scenes as they see fit, or as many that make sense to the [USER's] being.

Another USER is Roleplaying where I'd like to be - what do I do?


Communication is key. No part of the Archives is locked, per say. If you the [USER] wishes to Roleplay in a distinct area but someone else is there, ask them if it is alright. You are also welcome to ask if you can join in on the RP on-going, once more as long as it makes sense to.

Some [USERS] are performing Solo-Expeditions and may not want the extra company, but it never hurts to ask. However, a [USER] is welcome to deny Roleplay if they feel it would be too confusing with different flows of Roleplay ongoing. Keep in mind, the [USER] is also welcome to use Direct Communications to Roleplay as well - should the place they wish to engage in be occupied.

The Authority prefers that Roleplay be kept in the eyes of the archive, but options are welcome to ensure that Roleplay is done, and that availability is given.